Wehrmacht 'Feldgendarmerie' Gorget unite marked 3/682
Wehrmacht 'Feldgendarmerie' Gorget (Ringkragen). Kidney-shaped magnetic steel breast-shield/gorget having an army style eagle emblem attached to the center, above a banner with the script "Feldgendarmerie", a pebbled button is attached in each upper tip of the shield. The separately attached parts are showing a luminous yellow paint, allowing them to glow in the dark for identification at night. The eagle still lights up. The back of the gorget is still having its original brown carton backing..
The gorget is unite marked with 3/682 on the fromt and 3,Fg,A, 628 on the back.
Feldgendarmerie-Abt. 682
Aufgestellt 25.8.1939 im WK VII mit Hilfe der Ordnungspolizei zu 3 Kpen
Einsatz: Polen, Frankreich; Südrußland (1941/43 1. PzArmee; 1943/44 HGr Süd, Nordukraine); zuletzt bei HGr. A, Mitte in Schlesien.